The American Legion Kenneth H. Nash Post 8
American Legion Auxiliary – Unit 8
Post 8 also is the home of the American Legion Auxiliary, Unit 8. The Auxiliary members are active volunteers at Post 8 and at local veteran support organizations. They hold numerous fundraising and support-oriented events throughout the year, such as the annual Poppies Fundraising Drive. Veteran members of Post 8 also can be members of the Auxiliary, if they meet the qualifications for membership (see below).
You can contact Unit 8 at dcaux8@verizon.net. Unit 8 meets at Post 8 on the first Thursday of every month.
President: Melinda Tomaino
Vice President: Regina Brzozowski
Treasurer: Nancy Berry
Secretary: Colleen Walsh
Sergeant-at-Arms: Renee Ashton
Chaplain: Toxi Clark
Historian: Stephanie Gaskell
Veterans’ Projects Coordinators: (Appointed) Alicia Fansmith and Danette Sheldon
American Legion Auxiliary membership is open to veterans, mothers, wives, sisters, daughters, grandmothers, granddaughters, great-granddaughters and step relatives of a veteran, living or deceased, who served at least one day of active duty during the dates marked below and was honorably discharged or is still serving honorably.
The veteran served in WWI (04/06/1917-11/11/1918), WWII (12/07/1941-12/31/1946), Merchant Marines (12/07/1941-08/15/1945 only), Korea (06/25/1950-01/31/1955), Vietnam (02/28/1961-05/07/1975), Granada/Lebanon (08/24/1982-07/31/1984), Panama (12/20/1989-01/31/1990) and/or the Persian Gulf War (08/02/1990 until cessation of hostilities).
For more information, contact us at (202) 543-9163 or at dcaux8@verizon.net, or drop by the Post Lounge and pick up an application. More information on joining the Auxiliary and a downloadable membership application are available on the national website for the American Legion Auxiliary.