The American Legion Kenneth H. Nash Post 8
Post 8 and its affiliate members regularly hold fundraising events for various veteran-support organizations where volunteer time, talent and treasure are needed. Interested members should contact the leadership for Post 8, the Sons of the American Legion Squadron 8 or the American Legion Auxiliary Unit 8 for specific volunteer opportunities.

Lend a hand
Interested volunteers should also check the calendar and special events pages of this website for opportunities to lend a hand throughout the year. Each month, the post hosts bingo and music events where volunteers are needed to help set up and to staff the events. The post also has annual events and ceremonies—such as holiday meals, Veterans’ Day and Memorial Day—where volunteers are needed.

Event Committee
The Post 8 Event Committee meets monthly, usually at 6:00pm immediately before the General Membership Meeting on the second Wednesday of each month. Please check the calendar for the date of the next meeting. Interested volunteers are welcome to attend meetings and help out with events.

Veteran Support Organizations
Post 8 members are active in the community and volunteer at several veteran-support organizations. Check out the veteran services page of this website for additional organizations where your volunteer efforts would be appreciated.